This is your chance to plan a green city! As mayor of your hometown, through the promise of changing the old ways of the past, you will bring about a new, green future. Work with close supporters to restore this town to its former glory and beauty. Watch as Greenville transforms before your eyes as you build eco-homes, apply green upgrades, and bring clean jobs and industry to your hometown. The health of this city is up to you and the choices you make.
Download Plan It Green for FREE and enjoy:
Download Plan It Green for FREE and enjoy:
- Earn points and prestige as you transform Greenville from an eyesore, into a beautiful Green City.
- Hours of gameplay in both campaign and free play mode.
- Improve 8 neighborhoods across 45 levels.
- Upgrade your hometown with parks, eco-homes and environmental upgrades.
- Build eco-friendly houses, stores and businesses.
- Pick the latest eco-upgrades.
- Monitor your Greendex as you track towards a more sustainable environment.