Pahelika - Secret Legends tells the magical story of a sleepy town in the mighty and peaceful kingdom of Magadha, which one-day was attacked by demons led by the evil Asura. Defeated, the King walked away and stayed in exile until he came across an ancient book, one of the most powerful magical artifacts in existence and with its magic he managed to defeat the evil demons.
After discovering the ancient book, which in fact is a portal, you are transported to various magical locations where you have to prove your worthiness by surviving six challenging tests. Only those of pure body, mind and soul could hope to pass in order to find the portal that will transport them back home!
Pahelika - Secret Legends contains a variety of puzzles and spiritual riddles and with amazing graphics and no timer, this Hidden Object game really allows you to take your time and enjoy the gameplay.
Download Pahelika - Secret Legends for FREE and enjoy:
After discovering the ancient book, which in fact is a portal, you are transported to various magical locations where you have to prove your worthiness by surviving six challenging tests. Only those of pure body, mind and soul could hope to pass in order to find the portal that will transport them back home!
Pahelika - Secret Legends contains a variety of puzzles and spiritual riddles and with amazing graphics and no timer, this Hidden Object game really allows you to take your time and enjoy the gameplay.
Download Pahelika - Secret Legends for FREE and enjoy:
- A well told, interesting story.
- Unique, intuitive puzzles that are fun to solve.
- Stunning graphics so immersive, you'll feel like you're actually there.